Libraries are essential to the community. They provide information, education, resources, access to technology, and space where people can gather. But the coronavirus has caused libraries to change how they operate. Here’s how.

greeley public libraries furniture farr regional branch

How Libraries Are Surviving the Pandemic

Contrary to what you’d assume, libraries aren’t shutting down because of the pandemic. In fact, they’re in a better position than most businesses because they’ve been adapting their operations tremendously for the past few years. Libraries have been looking for better ways to serve their community, and have been integrating all kinds of technologies. Many of the resources that you find in a physical location can also be found online.

But that’s not all. In order to support their community during a time of need, libraries are shifting even more of their operations online. Even though there’s a global pandemic, many people still need libraries. Kids who are in school need access to literature. And those who aren’t need entertainment or ways to sharpen the skills they’ve learned in the last few months. College students, parents, entrepreneurs, and senior citizens also depend on the services that libraries provide. Those needs haven’t changed because of the coronavirus.

That’s why libraries are continuing to look for new ways to innovate and advance their operations during this time. They understand that their community needs them.

greeley public libraries furniture farr regional branch

Ways Libraries Are Adapting

Here are a few ways that libraries are going above and beyond to help out during this time:

  • Holding story-time online instead of in-person
  • Making even more books, articles, and literature available online
  • Providing virtual craft workshops for children and adults who are stuck at home
  • Holding book challenges to keep kids reading
  • Using tools like Zoom, Google Docs, Skype, and social media to stay connected virtually
  • Increasing cleaning and preventative measures
  • Producing videos and digital articles that help people stay up to date on health matters
  • Writing blog articles and social media posts on e-book recommendations
  • Providing virtual programming for adults

Thank Your Local Library!

Now, more than ever, we feel extremely grateful to have the partnerships that we do with librarians and library staff members. We are so inspired by these individuals and everything they are doing to support their community during this time of need.


Remember, when all of this is over, don’t forget to thank your local library!