Reasons to Invest in Eco-Friendly Office Furniture
Is sustainability a priority for your business? If not, it should be. Eco-friendly business models are more appealing to modern consumers, attract better employees, have higher job satisfaction scores, and spend less money on operating costs.
Still, any change to your office requires an investment on your behalf. You may wonder if switching to eco-friendly office furniture is worth the investment. Here’s a few reasons why you may want to consider taking the plunge anyway.
Modern Office Design: What’s Next?
Are you the owner of a modern office or coworking space? If so, you probably put a lot of thought and effort into the design of your office. Staying up to date with trends and innovations is important for establishing your position as a leader in the coworking industry. When prospective tenants come to check out your office, you want to give them a reason to rent a space with you and not your competitors.
Knowing what to expect for future trends can help you get ahead of the game and gain an edge over the competition. Here are some of our predictions about what changes will take place in office design in the next few years.
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Award-Winning Books About Nature Part IV: The Girl Who Drew Butterflies: How Maria Merian’s Art Changed Science
Did you know that over 80% of the world’s land animals live in forests?1 Yet we continue to destroy their natural environment due to our own selfish needs and lack of sustainable practices.
All animals play an important role in the ecosystem. When we alter the places they live, we threaten their survival and throw these natural systems off balance. This can cause a major disruption in the food chain as well as the environment. In essence, our lives depend on animals and nature. Without them, the world as we know it will cease to exist.