Category: Our Company

Silver Linings

I have to admit to some feelings of guilt here. It seems a bit wrong to be personally finding so many opportunities for joy during a time when there are so many people suffering with broken hearts watching their loved ones in the midst of being torn apart by this virus. To be clear, I am also finding many, many opportunities to feel grief in my empathy for thousands of people I’ve never met, don’t get me wrong. It seems like I should also be finding a way to physically roll up my sleeves to help our global community in larger ways than I have found, instead of simply cloistering up in my little enclave and feeling the joy of having my loved ones surrounding me.  We have been tightly knit as kids are home from college and off of school for the rest of the year and we are laughing and enjoying each other’s company. During this time we are working on big house projects, gathering around the dining room table playing games, cooking and eating together, dancing together while listening to each other’s playlists, taking the dog for walks and climbing through our forest trails out our backyard enjoying the feeling of awe that comes with the silence that two feet of fresh fallen snow in late March offers. But in this case, it seems the best thing that I can do for our community is to gather my family away from the outbreak and make sure that we are not participating in the spread of this malicious new virus. How is it that this epic pandemic could lead to this beautiful silver lining?

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inspiration for supple part 2

Where I Found the Inspiration to Start the Supple Collection: Part 2

Up until Jake Burton’s memorial, I knew he had an enormous impact on the trajectory of my life. I had always felt that he was an important source of inspiration but, until then I had failed to internalize the full extent of how he had been a mentor to me in the way he lived his life. As my business partner Mike and I were driving from Evergreen to the airport in Denver, it began to hit me – thoughts about the first time I met Jake, and started working for him at Burton, and everything that had happened since. 

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inspiration for supple

Where I Found the Inspiration to Start the Supple Collection: Part 1

My relationship with Mike, my best friend and my business partner for the last 15 years took root at Burton Snowboards. Mike worked in the marketing dept with the professional snowboarding team and I worked in the hardgoods dept developing product as a part of the engineering and design team. We both reported up to Jake Burton – our hero and mentor who founded Burton and created the ‘sport’ and the ‘industry’ of snowboarding. I had always known how influenced I had been by Jake’s entrepreneurial spirit, but on this trip, I realized that his influence reached much deeper than I had recognized before.

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The Supple Collection is a unique brand of sustainable furniture for learning environments.

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