Furniture for a Healthy, Collaborative Coworking Space
Are you concerned about how the coronavirus will impact your coworking space? You’re not alone. As more and more offices begin to open back up, coworking space owners are searching for solutions to keep their tenants safe and healthy. One of the main challenges involved in this is making collaboration possible while still practicing good health protocols. Read More
Work from Home Tips to Help You Stay Productive
Are you struggling to stay productive while working from home? You’re not alone. Millions of Americans are in the same situation as you, trying their hardest to stay productive in less than ideal circumstances.
How to Design Your Home Office for Success
Have you been forced to work from home because of the coronavirus outbreak? You’re not alone. Studies estimate that approximately 56% of Americans have jobs that allow them to work from home full-time during the pandemic. That’s a major increase from the 3.6% that it was before.
Why It’s Important to Have Office Furniture that Keeps You Active & Moving
Sitting all day long at the office is good for no one. And we’re all guilty of it, at least occasionally. You get really into what you’re working on and stay fixated for hours in the same place and position. And meanwhile, your body is dying for a break.
Storage Solutions for Small Offices & Coworking Spaces
When you work in a coworking space or shared office, space is a luxury. Often, you have to be creative about how you store your office supplies, files, and equipment. However, it can be frustrating going through the process of trial and error and trying to come up with the right solution.
Using the right office furniture can help minimize this frustration and maximize the storage space in your office. Below, we’ve listed some unique storage solutions that can help you accomplish the task.
Furniture Considerations for Your Coworking Space
Are you opening a coworking space or considering converting your existing space into a shared office? If so, it’s imperative that you know how to choose the right furniture.
The Origin of the Wave: Cloud Acoustic Lighting
We had just developed a small mobile meeting space for Battery621, the shared office space Supple shares with about 30 other young creative companies that call this space home. Battery621 has a couple main conference rooms, and lots of small niche areas folks can use for personal workspace, telephone conversations, and even a 3000 sq. ft. rooftop deck.
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Featured Project: Custom Artwork & Signage for KND Labs
It’s been a while since we posted a blog about what we’re working on here at Supple, so we thought that we’d take this moment to fill you all in. The last few months have been extremely exciting for us. We’ve had the opportunity to work on some amazing projects for libraries, coworking offices, and makerspaces here in our local community, as well as a few out-of-state projects. But perhaps one of the projects that we’ve been most excited about is our work at KND Labs.
Reasons to Invest in Eco-Friendly Office Furniture
Is sustainability a priority for your business? If not, it should be. Eco-friendly business models are more appealing to modern consumers, attract better employees, have higher job satisfaction scores, and spend less money on operating costs.
Still, any change to your office requires an investment on your behalf. You may wonder if switching to eco-friendly office furniture is worth the investment. Here’s a few reasons why you may want to consider taking the plunge anyway.