Do you ever leave your office at the end of the day with a stiff or aching back, hips, or shoulders? If so, chances are, you’re not the only one. According to research from the Mayo Clinic, sitting for too long at a traditional desk or workstation can cause numerous health problems, including increased blood pressure, obesity, and increased risk of heart disease and cancer.1 This is all on top of the all too common back, shoulder, and neck pains that people experience.

Traditional office desks are not only incredibly harmful for human physical health, but they also affect our mental health and focus as well. Studies show that office furniture has a direct impact on employee happiness, productivity, and success, and that switching to better furniture can help with all three of these areas.2

There’s no denying it. Traditional office setups are no good for anyone. It’s no wonder that so many coworking offices these days are switching to custom workstations. Custom workstations offer employees freedom and flexibility that can’t be attained with traditional furniture. And when your tenants are happy, your coworking business prospers.

custom workstation supple

What Is a Custom Workstation?

A workstation can be used for a variety of purposes from hands on activities and drawing or sketching to everyday activities conducted on a computer like emailing and browsing the web. A workstation is usually more high-end than a regular desk and is often designed with a specific use in mind. A custom workstation takes this concept one step further by tailoring various aspects of the workstation to meet the needs of a specific business or customer. Many custom workstations are also height-adjustable and mobile.

custom workstation coworking office

Why Custom Workstations Are Replacing Traditional Desks

More and more businesses today are ditching traditional desks and office furniture for superior options like custom workstations. Opting for a custom workstation instead of a desk can be advantageous for many reasons including:

Ergonomics – Custom workstations are more ergonomic than traditional desks, and reduce the risk of musculoskeletal disorders, fatigue, cardiovascular disease, and unhealthy weight gain

Flexibility – Having a workstation that’s on wheels or is height adjustable is much more convenient. They make it easier to rearrange an office layout or make adjustments to suit different tasks

Productivity – Custom workstations facilitate movement and blood circulation, thus improving productivity

Tenant turnover – Coworking tenants are more satisfied when they feel like their needs are being cared for, and are more likely to renew their lease or continue renting

Replacing desks with custom workstations may seem like an expensive change, but it’s one that’s well worth it. In the end, it can help your tenants be more successful and work to the advantage of your business as well.

Browse Custom Workstations from the Supple Collection

If you are interested in adding a custom workstation to your coworking office, you can check out our online catalogue to see examples of our furniture. Or, to speak to someone about your needs, you can contact our team directly by phone or email.


1. Laskowski, Edward R. What are the risks of sitting too much? Mayo Clinic. 8 May 2018.
2. Chau, Josephine Y et al. “More standing and just as productive: Effects of a sit-stand desk intervention on call center workers’ sitting, standing, and productivity at work in the Opt to Stand pilot study.” Preventive medicine reports vol. 3 68-74. 12 Dec. 2015, doi:10.1016/j.pmedr.2015.12.003