Douglas County Libraries
Our partnership with Douglas County Libraries has been an extraordinary journey. We’ve had the privilege of working with them on not just one, but seven different occasions. They’ve invited us to be part of every project they’ve taken on over the past several years and we truly could not imagine a better partnership.
During the course of these projects, we’ve the opportunity to work with Chuck Geoffrion, DCL’s Senior Purchasing Analyst, on multiple occasions. Chuck has been such a valuable resource to us each time, and has continually helped us out by guiding us through the process of creating pieces that fit the Douglas County Library brand. He is friendly and enthusiastic, and has been an excellent source of knowledge in helping us understand DCL’s design aesthetic. It’s been a true pleasure to collaborate and work with him.
We’ve also become well acquainted with Bob Pasicznyuk, the Executive Director at DCL. Bob is an exceptional leader and a true visionary. He started working with DCL in 2004 as a technologist. In 2009, he left DCL briefly to assist with a project at Cedar Rapids Public Libraries which had recently suffered tremendous devastation due to a massive flood. During his time there, he was able to bring the libraries back to life and make them better than ever before, and in doing so, reverse ten years’ worth of slow decline. In 2014, he rejoined DCL as their new director.
Since then, he’s done a lot to improve Douglas County Libraries so that the system can continue to grow and flourish. Bob is passionate about his work, and does everything he can to support DCL’s librarians. He listens to and advocates for them. For us, it has been extraordinary to work alongside such an inspiring individual. With Bob’s help, we’ve been able to learn so much about the evolution of libraries and the needs of librarians today.
We are grateful for being able to form such wonderful relationships with the leaders at Douglas County Libraries and look forward to continuing our work with them.